Thursday, July 10, 2008

“In my stars I am above thee”

I am not into politics and must confess to a large degree of naiveté in my political analysis.
The air is full of pundits discussing nuclear deal, inflation, outside support and trust motion.
I am not able to comprehend the electoral nuances and am being politely ignored at the club lounge. For long used to being the dispenser of wisdom on all topics fair and foul, this disability and the consequent neglect are driving me to depression.
I just discovered that I can draw on my school science knowledge and offer a rational explanation to this maddening process.
The theories that come to my mind are ‘Uncertainty Principle’ and ‘Topological Entropy’.
While the others may quote Rudy and Raja, I will trump them with Heisenberg, Bowen and Dinaburg.
Another contextual buzzword that baffles me is ‘secularism’.
Since I am unable to find a scientific elucidation for this ‘secular’ phenomenon, I have decided to categorize the political parties as, a la Malvalio, “some are born secular, some achieve secularism, and some have secularism thrust upon’em”.
I am all set for my weekend discourse at the club.

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